
Identifying and Balancing Your Ayurvedic Dosha

Ayurvedic Dosha Kapha Pitta Vata

Identifying and Balancing Your Ayurvedic Dosha

Ayurveda recognizes 5 elements that make up all of life - space, air, fire, water, and earth. Every person is unique because we contain a varying ratio of these. For example, water is liquid - it’s heavy, soft, cohesive, and governs…

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PFAS, Forever Chemicals; What Are They and Why You Should Care

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances PFAS PFAS chemicals

PFAS, Forever Chemicals; What Are They and Why You Should Care

PFAS aka "Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances" are man-made chemicals that were created in the 1940s by DuPont when creating teflon pans. PFAS are called "forever chemicals" because they don't break down in the environment, a characteristic that has proven to be very problematic for our earthly environment. 

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5 Types of Cough - Characteristics, Causes, and How to Help

chesty cough congestion relief syrup doTerra Breath dry cough dry cough syrup elderberry syrup tickling cough whooping cough

5 Types of Cough - Characteristics, Causes, and How to Help

There are 5 Types of Cough with Characteristics, Causes, and How to Help. The types are tickling cough, dry cough, chesty cough, barking or croup cough and whooping cough. Using Dry Cough Syrups, Congestion Relief Syrups, Homeopathic Spongia Tosta, Elderberry Syrup and doTerra Breathe blend can help with these type of coughs.

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Natural Organic Multivitamins, Do They Exist?

Cobalamin comfrey folate methylcobalamin multivitamins natural organic multivitamins nettles nourishing influsion recipe nourishing infusions oatstraw Vitamin B12 Vitamin B9 whole food derived

Natural Organic Multivitamins, Do They Exist?

Many Multivitamins are synthetic, have Fillers, Added flavors & colors, test high for heavy metals and are not easily absorbed. If you are taking a multivitamin, you want to make sure it is whole food derived, contains folate, and that the B12 is methylcobalamin, 5, 10-MTHF, or 5-MTHF. 

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Essential Oils for Kids: Seasonal Supports, Tummy Troubles and More

Basil copaiba earache Essential Oils eucalyptus fractionated coconut Frankincense kids cold kids earache kids stomach bug lavender roman chamomile spearmint stomach bug tamer tea tree

Essential Oils for Kids: Seasonal Supports, Tummy Troubles and More

Guest blog by Elena Brower: Living in New York City until my son reaches the age of thirteen, essential oils are our primary way of connecting to Nature, aside from travel. Occasionally turning toward western medicine when needed (an asthma inhaler at times, a handful of occasions with antibiotics), essential oils prove extremely supportive for prevention as well as lessening the intensity and duration of certain threats. 

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